I have sat for the mrcog part 2 papers
Ive spent 250 pounds on the exam
250 pounds on busy spr website
250 pounds onexamination.com website
Have compiled the questions if any one wants to buy them email me or click the button below and i will sell u them at fraction of the price
I also have the past papers downloadedable version with answers from lulu.com also ill sell it to you for much less
The exam mostly came out questions from the past papers . Lulu.com is selling them by the name of the author which i believe is an imposter of the real khaldoun sharif from Birmingham. It is an illegal copy of the rcog press passpapers in a downloadable format but the answers they provide are all wrong. I have a copy of all the corrected answers and i will provide them together with your purchase.
I am willing to give all i have in a zip format busy sprs emq,onexamination mcqs and emqs, lulu pastpapers, and correct answers price is negotiable . I just need to make back what ive spent.
Tips for the exam-
Any advice to read the rcog guidelines and all the tog guidelines is a stupid advice because the human mind cannot retain so much information. And for example during this exam malaria in pregnancy only produce one emq question which was is mefloquine contraindicated in pregnancy - true of false and visitors from a malaria endemic country should continue prophylaxis for 8 weeks- true or false! Now this is a very small print stuff and stupid to read the whole guideline . Like finding and remembering the position of a needle in a haystack. My friends and i are compiling all the questions we remember and i will include it in your purchase. Mean all the emqs And mcqs in the march 2011 mrcog part 2 exam.
My advise on passing the exam .. Read as minimal as u can and only important things
Past papers -most useful all questions were similar just addition of new stems in the questions
Busyspr- only emqs useful and i have the full collection . All the options in the emq were exactly the same as the exam paper
On examination - useless
Reading tog - useless , better read my notes instead eg .u dont need to read the whole article on tog on botulinum toxin with urge incontinence if you knew that only one question came out in the mcqs that ask is botulinum toxin used in failed conservative management of urge incontinence dun waste your time
Rcog guidelines dont read everything . Read my compilation of the rcog bank to direct you to what is important and will coming out in the exam .
sample as below
Options for Questions 1-1
A Antihypertensive treatment B Insert central venous pressure line
C Intravenous magnesium sulphate D Measure serum aspartate transaminase immediately
E Measure serum magnesium F Transfer to intensive treatment unit
G Monitor patellar reflex every 15 minutes H Provide a fluid challenge with colloids
I Provide intravenous Hartmann's solution at the rate of 85ml per hour J Calculate the mean arterial blood pressure
K Immediate dose of 10ml 10% calcium gluconate intravenously L Carry out visual field assessment
Instrunctions:For each patient described below choose the single most appropriate initial treatment option from the list. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
CVP is high and the woman is anuric with markedly raised serum urea = renal failure. Risk of multi-system organ failure and ITU treatment indicated
Respiratory depression suggestive of magnesium toxicity: 10% calcium gluconate
Question 1 A 20-year-old primigravida delivered a live infant 24 hours previously. She has developed severe gestational proteinuric hypertension. Treatment with intravenous magnesium was required. Her fluid balance is satisfactory and serum urea, electrolytes and clotting profile are all normal. Her respiratory rate falls to 6 per minute and she is drowsy but rousable. K(Correct answer: K)
Options for Questions 2-2
A Intravenous labetalol B Immediate delivery by caesarean section
C Intravenous magnesium sulphate D Measure serum aspartate transaminase immediately
E Measure FBC and clotting profile F Blood transfusion
G Immediate induction of labour H Provide a fluid challenge with colloids
I Antihypertensive treatment J Administer iv phenytoin
K Measure 24h urine protein excretion L Arrange in-utero transfer to tertiary centre
Instrunctions:For each patient described below choose the single most appropriate management option from the list. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Delivery indicated but need results from FBC and clotting profile before proceeding
BP not controlled by oral therapy: iv therapy therefore necessary
Question 2 A 35 year old woman remains in hospital 4 days after induction of labour and spontaneous vaginal delivery at 36 weeks gestation. She had developed severe gestational proteinuric hypertension and hypertension has been difficult to control post-partum. Her BP is 170/110 on oral oxyprenolol, nifedipine and captopril. She complains of a severe headache and her BP 15 minutes later is 180/110. Her blood tests taken earlier in the day are normal. A(Correct answer: A)
if u wish to buy all my set of compilation of emq and mcq
and essays just email me at mariahkarey@gmail.com
i will request 600 usd to be sent to my paypal then i will send to you
my mrcog compilation then i will send it to u via email /dropbox
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
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